Blightys Online Gift Shop

Dinosaurs Giant Colour-in Tablecloth



Love our dinosaur colour in tablecloth!

featuring the names of each species underneath each dinosaur so it will teach your kids about what dinosaurs were alive many…many years ago.

This colour in tablecloth is such a fabulous gift for all children & grandchildren!

Brilliant for when you are at home with family, on holiday, rainy-days, weddings, parties, playtime anytime!




25 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

green leaves (£2.25)

  • green leaves flat wrap
  • flowers flat wrap
  • polka dots wrap
Remaining/Maximum Characters: 100/100


Product Features;

  • Bigger (1270mm x 950mm) than most ‘giant’ colouring-in posters on the market.
  • Works equally well as a tablecloth, poster and play mat and even as wrapping paper.
  • Folds into a small (250mm x 150mm), lightweight and beautifully packaged product that’s easy to carry or pop in the post – the perfect present.
  • Designed and printed in the UK.
  • Made from special, durable, FSC accredited paper.
  • Suitable for coloured pencils, crayons, pastels, chalks, paints and felt tips.